Flow Control Valve
2L150-15 2L200-20 2L250-25 2L320-32 2L400-40 2L500-50 2L系列先导常闭型流体控制阀
  • 2LH050
  • 2L030
  • 2L050
  • 2LH030
2L150-15 2L200-20 2L250-25 2L320-32 2L400-40 2L500-50 2L系列先导常闭型流体控制阀

产品型号:2L150-15 2L200-20 2L250-25 2L320-32 2L400-40 2L500-50
品牌: 亚德客(AirTAC)

型号/规格: 接管口径: 流通孔径(Φmm): Cv值 有效截面积(mm²): 重量(g): 最大操作压差: 最大耐压力:
MPa psi MPa psi
2L150-15 PT1/2 15.0 5.50 100.0
675 Max:1.0
2L200-20 PT3/4 20.0 9.50 170.0 875
2L250-25 PT1 25.0 12.50 220.0 1120
2L320-32 PT1 1/4 35.0 23.00 420.0 2700
2L400-40 PT1 1/2 40.0
31.00 560.0 3250
2L500-50 PT2 50.0 49.00 880.0 4300
① 接管牙型有NPT、G牙可供选择。

阀体型号: 所配线圈型号: 电源种类: 电源频率(Hz): 容许电压变动 接电方式 功耗(VA/W) 绝缘等级 温升(℃)
AC 50 ±15% DIN插座式(CAD)
10.0VA H级 35
60 8.0VA 30
DC - ±10% 6.5W 30
AC 50 ±15% 25.0VA 60
60 22.0VA 55
DC - ±10% 10.5W 40


作动方式: 内部先导式
初始状态: 常闭型
使用流体: 饱和水蒸气、高温水、油
使用流体粘滞度: 20CST以下
高温水 饱和水蒸气 环境
最高温度 150 183 150 100
最低温度 1 - -10 -20

Product Feature:
1.Indirect acting(Internal pilot) and normally closed type 2/2 way solenoid valve. Its can change direction quickly and has large flow.

2.It is compact, small and light weight. It is easy to install and dismantle;

3.The valve body is made of brass . The coil has a Heat resistance classification of Class B. The standard seal material is FPM-F. Please contact us if other material are required.

4.The protection class of the coil is IP65 and there is a choice for grommet or terminal electrical entry.

Installation & Usage:

1.Check whether the components have been damaged during transportation before installing and using.

2.Pay attention to whether the flow direction of air (notice “→” direction) and thread type are correct.

3.Please notice whether installation condition accords with technical requirements (such as “working  pressure” and “applied temperature range”);

4.Take measure to avoid vibration and frozen.

5.Before using the fittings and tubes make sure they are clean. When connecting tofittings, be sure the PTFE Thread Seal Tape is used correctly.

6.Keep the dust away. The dust cover shall be installed in intake and outlet when the device is dismantled and stored.

Order Code:
2L15015A Series.jpg
2LH03006A 2LH05010BI 2L03006ET 2L05015AIG 2L20020EG 2L40040A
2LH03006AG 2LH05010BIG 2L03006EI 2L05015AIT 2L20020ET 2L40040AG
2LH03006AT 2LH05010BIT 2L03006EIG 2L05015BG 2L20020EI 2L40040AT
2LH03006AI 2LH05010C 2L03006EIT 2L05015BT 2L20020EIG 2L40040AI
2LH03006AIG 2LH05010CG 2L03006F 2L05015BI 2L20020EIT 2L40040AIG
2LH03006AIT 2LH05010CT 2L03006FG 2L05015BIG 2L20020F 2L40040AIT
2LH03006B 2LH05010CI 2L03006FT 2L05015BIT 2L20020FG 2L40040B
2LH03006BG 2LH05010CIG 2L03006FI 2L05015C 2L20020FT 2L40040BG
2LH03006BT 2LH05010CIT 2L03006FIG 2L05015CG 2L20020FI 2L40040BT
2LH03006BI 2LH05010E 2L03006FIT 2L05015CT 2L20020FIG 2L40040BI
2LH03006BIG 2LH05010EG 2L03008AG 2L05015CI 2L20020FIT 2L40040BIG
2LH03006BIT 2LH05010ET 2L03008AT 2L05015CIG 2L25025AG 2L40040BIT
2LH03006C 2LH05010EI 2L03008AI 2L05015CIT 2L25025AT 2L40040C
2LH03006CG 2LH05010EIG 2L03008AIG 2L05015E 2L25025AI 2L40040CG
2LH03006CT 2LH05010EIT 2L03008AIT 2L05015EG 2L25025AIG 2L40040CT
2LH03006CI 2LH05010F 2L03008BG 2L05015ET 2L25025AIT 2L40040CI
2LH03006CIG 2LH05010FG 2L03008BT 2L05015EI 2L25025BG 2L40040CIG
2LH03006CIT 2LH05010FT 2L03008BI 2L05015EIG 2L25025BT 2L40040CIT
2LH03006E 2LH05010FI 2L03008BIG 2L05015EIT 2L25025BI 2L40040E
2LH03006EG 2LH05010FIG 2L03008BIT 2L05015F 2L25025BIG 2L40040EG
2LH03006ET 2LH05010FIT 2L03008CG 2L05015FG 2L25025BIT 2L40040ET
2LH03006EI 2LH05015A 2L03008CT 2L05015FT 2L25025CG 2L40040EI
2LH03006EIG 2LH05015AG 2L03008CI 2L05015FI 2L25025CT 2L40040EIG
2LH03006EIT 2LH05015AT 2L03008CIG 2L05015FIG 2L25025CI 2L40040EIT
2LH03006F 2LH05015AI 2L03008CIT 2L05015FIT 2L25025CIG 2L40040F
2LH03006FG 2LH05015AIG 2L03008E 2L15015AG 2L25025CIT 2L40040FG
2LH03006FT 2LH05015AIT 2L03008EG 2L15015AT 2L25025E 2L40040FT
2LH03006FI 2LH05015B 2L03008ET 2L15015AI 2L25025EG 2L40040FI
2LH03006FIG 2LH05015BG 2L03008EI 2L15015AIG 2L25025ET 2L40040FIG
2LH03006FIT 2LH05015BT 2L03008EIG 2L15015AIT 2L25025EI 2L40040FIT
2LH03008A 2LH05015BI 2L03008EIT 2L15015BG 2L25025EIG 2L50050A
2LH03008AG 2LH05015BIG 2L03008F 2L15015BT 2L25025EIT 2L50050AG
2LH03008AT 2LH05015BIT 2L03008FG 2L15015BI 2L25025F 2L50050AT
2LH03008AI 2LH05015C 2L03008FT 2L15015BIG 2L25025FG 2L50050AI
2LH03008AIG 2LH05015CG 2L03008FI 2L15015BIT 2L25025FT 2L50050AIG
2LH03008AIT 2LH05015CT 2L03008FIG 2L15015CG 2L25025FI 2L50050AIT
2LH03008B 2LH05015CI 2L03008FIT 2L15015CT 2L25025FIG 2L50050B
2LH03008BG 2LH05015CIG 2L05010AG 2L15015CI 2L25025FIT 2L50050BG
2LH03008BT 2LH05015CIT 2L05010AT 2L15015CIG 2L32032A 2L50050BT
2LH03008BI 2LH05015E 2L05010AI 2L15015CIT 2L32032AG 2L50050BI
2LH03008BIG 2LH05015EG 2L05010AIG 2L15015E 2L32032AT 2L50050BIG
2LH03008BIT 2LH05015ET 2L05010AIT 2L15015EG 2L32032AI 2L50050BIT
2LH03008C 2LH05015EI 2L05010BG 2L15015ET 2L32032AIG 2L50050C
2LH03008CG 2LH05015EIG 2L05010BT 2L15015EI 2L32032AIT 2L50050CG
2LH03008CT 2LH05015EIT 2L05010BI 2L15015EIG 2L32032B 2L50050CT
2LH03008CI 2LH05015F 2L05010BIG 2L15015EIT 2L32032BG 2L50050CI
2LH03008CIG 2LH05015FG 2L05010BIT 2L15015F 2L32032BT 2L50050CIG
2LH03008CIT 2LH05015FT 2L05010C 2L15015FG 2L32032BI 2L50050CIT
2LH03008E 2LH05015FI 2L05010CG 2L15015FT 2L32032BIG 2L50050E
2LH03008EG 2LH05015FIG 2L05010CT 2L15015FI 2L32032BIT 2L50050EG
2LH03008ET 2LH05015FIT 2L05010CI 2L15015FIG 2L32032C 2L50050ET
2LH03008EI 2L03006AG 2L05010CIG 2L15015FIT 2L32032CG 2L50050EI
2LH03008EIG 2L03006AT 2L05010CIT 2L20020AG 2L32032CT 2L50050EIG
2LH03008EIT 2L03006AI 2L05010E 2L20020AT 2L32032CI 2L50050EIT
2LH03008F 2L03006AIG 2L05010EG 2L20020AI 2L32032CIG 2L50050F
2LH03008FG 2L03006AIT 2L05010ET 2L20020AIG 2L32032CIT 2L50050FG
2LH03008FT 2L03006BG 2L05010EI 2L20020AIT 2L32032E 2L50050FT
2LH03008FI 2L03006BT 2L05010EIG 2L20020BG 2L32032EG 2L50050FI
2LH03008FIG 2L03006BI 2L05010EIT 2L20020BT 2L32032ET 2L50050FIG
2LH03008FIT 2L03006BIG 2L05010F 2L20020BI 2L32032EI 2L50050FIT
2LH05010A 2L03006BIT 2L05010FG 2L20020BIG 2L32032EIG 2L03006A
2LH05010AG 2L03006CG 2L05010FT 2L20020BIT 2L32032EIT 2L03006B
2LH05010AT 2L03006CT 2L05010FI 2L20020CG 2L32032F 2L03008A
2LH05010AI 2L03006CI 2L05010FIG 2L20020CT 2L32032FG 2L03008B
2LH05010AIG 2L03006CIG 2L05010FIT 2L20020CI 2L32032FT 2L05010A
2LH05010AIT 2L03006CIT 2L05015AG 2L20020CIG 2L32032FI 2L05010B
2LH05010B 2L03006E 2L05015AT 2L20020CIT 2L32032FIG 2L05015A
2LH05010BG 2L03006EG 2L05015AI 2L20020E 2L32032FIT 2L05015B
Contact us
Add:Shangmei Times, 57 Longguan East Road, Tsinghua Community, Longhua Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen, China

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